Thursday, December 10, 2009

Kris Kuksi and the Macabre

On it's way until December 19th Kris Kuksi's war machine sculptures will be up at the Joshua Liner Gallery and, I must say, it would do you some good to go check it out. These mixed-media compilations have figures and animals and robotics and tanks and saints and virgins all mashed up into various wall sculptures. Each sculpture communicates a sense of construction and deconstruction of some not-too-distant waring society. The pieces feel as if they were some future's war relics that were left to age and rust amidst heaps of steel and, around every corner and crevice within the monstrosities, figures and antennas and religious artifacts burst to life. Alright, I've exhausted my war based synonyms for awesome. Just go check them out if you get a chance and, if you don't, check out his website here (
Also-definately forgot to put links to Tomer and Jean's websites so CHECK IT
Jean =

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