Wednesday, December 16, 2009

We're Going Old School SON!

So i spent some time in a certain Strand Book store. Firstly: Used or new, the store is the mecca of book stores. If you were Chewbacca, it would be your Millennium Falcon. Secondly: I spent far too much time in the arts section revisiting some old favorites of mine and not enough time purchasing gifts for the holiday season. As a direct consequence of this, I would like to tip the ol' proverbial hat to a couple oldies but goodies, namely Gustav Klimt and Egon Schiele. Ladies and Gentlemen, Egon and Gustav.

Their work is everywhere so website links are....well...pointless. Also, the Frames have some great music that they recorded live off an album titled "Here Comes the Night" that references Egon. Glen Hansard speaks about it during the recording. If that's your thing CHECK IT, if not, EAT IT.

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